Maroof And Munkar


Ma'roof and Munkar (Enjoining what is Right & Forbidding What is Wrong) By : Jalaludin Umari Urging people to do what is right and to avoid doing wrong is a basic precept in islam . This command of allah is mentiones i...

Ma'roof and Munkar (Enjoining what is Right & Forbidding What is Wrong) By : Jalaludin Umari Urging people to do what is right and to avoid doing wrong is a basic precept in islam . This command of allah is mentiones in ver

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Ma'roof and Munkar (Enjoining what is Right & Forbidding What is Wrong) By : Jalaludin Umari Urging people to do what is right and to avoid doing wrong is a basic precept in islam . This command of allah is mentiones in ver

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